Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Do you know how much one cafe latte, every day...

Do you know how much one cafe latte, every day, for one year amounts to?

I live in Salt Lake City, and a large cafe latte is $3.72. If you times that by 365 for the amount of days in the year you will spend $1357.80. And you do it too. In fact some of you have to have a cafe latte or some specialty drink from Starbucks every day or your day just doesn't go right. Right? But, when it comes to really investing in yourself and molding yourself into the person you really want to be you hem and haw, procrastinate, clutch yourself with fear, thoughts crowd your mind with "I can't do that" or "that's too expensive." But you will spend $1357.80 on a drink that gives you maybe 20 minutes of pleasure each day. Why?

How much does it really cost you to not invest in yourself? Can you even calculate a figure? I doubt it. You may be losing millions, and not even know it.

I was in your shoes too. I couldn't work, I hadn't made any money for a very long time, I'm embarrassed to say, and I was miserable. I was miserable because there was something that made me really angry at myself that I needed a "JOB" and had to work for someone else to bring money in. In fact, I went through a long phase of really detesting myself and would rack my brain on how I could change my situation. It really got heavy at times.

But, here I am today and my life doesn't even resemble the one I was living four months ago. That is how powerful this program is. That is why it is 3:00 in the morning here and I feel this passionate about this program and need to share it. If I reach one person who I can take a hold of their hand and pull them from the darkness and make them see that it is ALL ABOUT INVESTING IN YOURSELF I will have done something meaningful and fulfilling with my life.

Our culture is very ready and willing to see you spend $1357.80 on cafe lattes for one year, but what if you say I am going to spend $1995.00 on a program that is going to help me not only be a better me but when I walk out onto the street and see a coffee shop I'll have the mindset that says, "to hell with one little cup of coffee, I'm going to buy the whole damn chain of Starbucks."

It's all about mindset, but you aren't going to get that transformation doing the same crap every day, day in and out. You need to make a real change, and I can tell you the SGR Program is your ticket to not only financial abundance but a better you. So, quit the procrastinating, make a decision, and buy this program. I am here to help you all the way and yes, you will succeed and yes, in four months you will not recognize yourself.


How can we know for sure we get what we want?

how can we know for sure that what we want we will actually get?
especially when it is something really big? and it seems impossible. is
it possible to apply The Secret correctly and still not achieve?

Hi Carrie,

That is really a loaded question. One thing Bob Proctor teaches us is you wouldn't have the desire for something if God hadn't given you the ability to achieve it. Just by the mere fact that you desire something means you CAN achieve it. If you applied the Secret properly than you will achieve it.

Bob Proctor teaches us in the SGR Program that when we desire something it should feel like when we are in love. When you are in love with someone you don't need to try to think about him. You just do, in fact you love thinking about him so much that you will think about him when you are driving your car, eating cereal in the morning, what ever silly thing you are doing you just can't help but think about this person you are in love with. That is how what we desire should be for us. We can't help but think about it, we should imagine ourselves with the thing we want and using it in our minds. If you want a new car imagine yourself with that car, enjoy using it in your mind. If it is something you REALLY want you won't be able to stop thinking about it.

The law is that what we Think about becomes FORM in our lives. Some people say be careful what you think about. But I think it goes deeper than that. I think we need to also be careful what we FEEL about. For example, if I THINK I am rich, but I FEEL that I am poor than the signal that is sent out to the Universe is "I am poor" and the Universe will send back that experience that I am poor even if I THINK I am rich.

So, regarding your question above, if you read what I said and than THINK "ok I can achieve this really big thing, it seems impossible, it seems like I will never get it, but the Universe will show me the way (that all sounds pretty positive right?) But if you FEEL, I am just fooling myself and trying to think that I will get this thing, but I feel I won't, then see your feelings will be sent out to the Universe and you won't get what you want because you felt that you wouldn't even though you thought you would.

In the Secret, Michael Beckwith says "this is a feeling Universe." Remember that so when you think something be aware of your feelings too.

In the Science of Getting Rich program they teach us that we need to have three things in congruence or in harmony:

Our Thoughts

Our Feelings

Our Actions

It is also stated this way:

Ask ( we think what we want and ask for it)

Believe (we feel and believe we will receive it)

Receive (we act to receive that which we desire)

All three need to work in harmony with each other. All three things must work toward the thing you desire. You can't THINK I am rich, FEEL I am rich, and then not ACT and sit on your butt and do nothing. You can't THINK I am rich, FEEL that you are poor, and ACT by working 90 hours a week and achieve wealth.

All three things need to be in harmony and working as one. As these three things are in harmony the Universe will bend itself to your will and what it is you are wanting. You will attract the way, as Bob Proctor states, you don't need to know how just know as you proceed in harmony with your thoughts, feelings, and actions you will attract the way to achieve what you want.

Abundance & Love Live Here


Why I love "The Law of Gender"

Actually, I hated this law when I first learned about it. I hated it so much, until I figured out what it was about and how to use it to my advantage.

In the SGR Program, we are taught not just the Law of Attraction but other Laws of the Universe. One is The Law of Gender. This law states two things.

  1. Everything has its masculine (yang) and
    feminine (yin) principles, and these are the foundation for all

  2. Every seed has a gestation or incubation period. It takes time for the things you want to appear. Your goals will manifest when the time is right. Know they will.

The second part is what we focus on in the SGR Program. The reason why I hated this law is because I was focusing on my results and I wanted what I wanted NOW! I was annoyed and thought "Ok, Universe, I told you what I want, I believe I will get it, but where is it?" That was a big mistake because immediately I would feel a flood of doubt sweep over me. I began to think "my results aren't showing what I want, it's not coming, I'm just fooling myself."

That lasted for about three months, I would set an intention for something, give myself say three months for it to appear and then the very next day I would check my results and say, "it's not coming." I kept playing numbers on myself until I sat down and listened to the SGR tapes and finally it sunk in.

The Law of Gender is now my friend. Why? Because it helps me let go and let God. Let's say I want a new car and I have been planning for it and doing effective action toward getting it, but still it seems like it will never come. When I remind myself of The Law of Gender it reminds me there is a larger universal order working beyond myself. When what I want has not appeared I remind myself, it is on its way, it just needs more time to appear. It helps me let go of doubt and fear and I jump right back on focus of what I want - that new car.

I now use this law for my benefit because it keeps doubt away. Bob Proctor says we live our lives from the "outside in", He teaches we need to live from the "inside out". What that means is we are creators of our lives, we create our lives. If you live from the "outside in" than the things outside of yourself will dictate your experience. If you live from the "inside out" than you are in control of your experience, outside results don't affect you anymore. When you are in control of your experience, than you will know what you want is on its way to you and doubt and fear slip away.

Live from the "inside out" and lean on the Law of Gender. In English, that means you create your life from within yourself, you proceed with faith and assurance in the things you want are on its way to you, and time is merely a bridge for you to cross to receive.

"Abundance & Love Live Here"

Get Paid To View Ads

Clix Sense pays you to view their ads. There is no reason why you wouldn't want to sign up and earn some extra cash. Also, read about their affiliate program. All is free to sign up for and over time it could bring you a some extra money each month.

Another company that will pay you to view their ads is
Just check their site each day to see what ads are there for you to click on. Or you can sign up and become a premium member. I am doing more research on this to see if it is really worthwhile thing.


Why I Am With The Secret Pays

I joined the Secret Pays in late July and I am now making between $400 and $600 a week from the program. I spend at least two hours every day promoting it using various advertising resources on the internet.

At first I didn't make any money with the program. I contacted my sponsor and asked her for some help. She told me to focus on only the people I want to attract. So, I focused on attracting people who are internet marketers or people who want to do internet marketing that are ready to buy and have the money to buy. After I put that out there I started to make sales. That taught me a lot about the law of attraction. I stopped SEEKING just anybody, and I decided who I wanted to ATTRACT and they came and they contact me daily.

Yesterday, I got a call from a fellow named John. He just wanted to talk to me for a few minutes about the Secret Pays. I had say a 6 minute phone call with him. He said he had spoken with many people who are also with the Secret Pays but no one compelled him to join.

I told John that this program out of several that I am promoting is the one that is doing best for me, and it really is. Some of the other programs I have worked way harder promoting and haven't had the results like I do with the Secret Pays. I told him if he signs up and doesn't do any work to promote his website he will not make any money. You can't just sit on your butt with this stuff and expect results. I then told him I help everyone who joins with me become qualified. The Secret Pays is a 1-up program where he will pass his first person on to me, his sponsor. I do that for you. So the very first person he brings on will really be giving him back his $100 he paid to me. After that, he will make a $75 profit with the second person he brings on, and $100 profit for each person after that into thousands of dollars in profit. So with my helping him become qualified, it is a win win for him if he wants to start making money on the internet.

He joined.

Why am I with the Secret Pays then? Simply because I am making money - easily - and - I am helping other people make money -and - I like that people don't have a huge bill for joining (there is a one time fee of $125) - and - it is easy to make your money back - and - from there on you have endless $100 flowing to you.

So, join my Secret Pays team today. If you want to visit the website to learn more, visit: The Secret Pays. If you want to see the auto-responder you get free for joining, visit: The Secret Pays Auto-Responder

Please contact me at so I can put you with someone on my team and get them qualified. It is a win win for everyone - I make money, you help someone get qualified, and I will do the same for you.

Please email me at to get started.



Here is a short video I made that tells you what you get when you join the Secret Pays:

What is Web 2.0 and Promoting Yourself on MySpace

Web 2.0 Power

Web 2.0 is user generated content, for example MySpace, Yuwie and YouTube. The content is created by you and me that is why Time Magazine nominated the Person of the Year - You. We are changing the face of the Internet. If you want to be successful on the net it is vital that you learn and become involved in its power. MySpace and YouTube have created a new wave of marketing. Nothing will ever be the same again - no more calling your relatives or cold calling leads, it's now all about Free Leads and Traffic Chasing YOU! Read on, I am going to teach you everything I know.


Ok, if you are promoting something to sell on MySpace the best thing to do is promote yourself. Brand yourself first. Here are 6 key steps to help you create your MySpace Profile. If you need additional help, feel free to give me a howler or a growl or a scream because you are frustrated by it - no problem I'll help. If you want to see my MySpace Profile, visit: JulieKatherineSpace

Follow these 6 key steps to marketing yourself on MySpace:

Intro. Here you can give your phone number and state a web site you have created stating "Hi, my name is so and so, I am the creator of Make this only two to three lines. You want #1- your personal pictures-to be right at the top to grab people's attention. (If you don't have a web site you have created, just tell people your name and give a phone number if you want.)

#1. At the beginning of your MySpace profile add personal pictures with a slide show. This shows people who you are. Go to SLIDE.COM . All you do is upload pics and chose the style of slide show you want. It is easy to do and it gives you the code to add to your "about me" section on your MySpace profile. (It is free.)

#2. Write about yourself - your personal background.

#3. Establish a problem - which includes your personal frustrations, something that was rough for you.

#4. Give the Solution - What happened to lead you to the solution. (This is where you mention what you are selling - but keep it subtle and simple)

#5. Call to action message. Give your phone number and let people know how you can help them.

#6. Describe who you want to work with (or who you don't want to work with).

These are the 6 key points.

For #2 when you write about yourself remember no one on this planet is like you, you have a story no one else can tell. Remember to establish yourself as a leader. You want to establish yourself as a leader because people want to buy from people who will lead them to success. Be the answer and the leader they are looking for. Give Help and don't concern yourself with what you get back. Another helpful thought is when you are choosing your "My Story" think about what you can share about yourself that can inspire others, that can help people relate to and connect with you, don't be afraid to share the crap, heartache and failures. This makes you real. Everyone can relate to crap, heartache and failure. Let people know how you are turning it all around or how you did turn it all around. If you are still in the process of turning it around, don't run from that, embrace that, that makes you uniquely you, embrace where you are right now, here and now, to hell with what you are going to be tomorrow. It doesn't matter, share who you are NOW. You are a human B E I N G .... so BE ! Embrace yourself now.

If you are a single Mom trying to make it alone and raise your kids, tell that story, that is beautiful. If you are a businessman who has lost everything and is starting over, tell your story, that is beautiful. See the power in your story, imagine you coming along and reading someone else's profile that lost everything, made bad business decisions, but is working his way out of it -wouldn't you want to connect with that person? Of course you would because you would relate to him because that is where you are too and you want to know what he is doing to turn things around. You are going to call him, you are going to want to know what he is selling. You are going to want to know what turned things around for him. If you are a single Mom and you are making money on the Internet and that in turn is giving you more time to spend with your kids that is valuable. If someone is trying to raise their kids alone and they see your profile they are going to be able to relate to you, they are going to want to get in contact with you and see how you are able to be at home with your kids. See the power in your story? Here is a perfect opportunity for you to turn the crap, hell, hardships, bad luck, bad times into a golden opportunity to not only help yourself but to help others. Grab this opportunity and get on MySpace. It is free and it will bring you free traffic.

Now you want to customize your MySpace:

Here are some links I think you will find useful:

These sites have layouts you can choose from and also code generators. Your customization code always goes in your "about me" section.

Now Add Friends

The reason why you want to add friends is because if you don't then you are dependent on people just by happy accident finding your profile. When you add friends you are in essence driving traffic to your profile - you are driving free exposure to yourself and anything you are marketing. It is a very powerful thing really. When someone becomes your friend you can send them messages. Never spam, that can get you kicked off the network.

Click this banner below to download your FREE Friend Adder software today and add 50 new friends each day. Never add more than 50 friends per day or you risk having your account canceled. There is no need to buy this, just get the free version.

To learn more about MySpace and how to harness it's power for massive free traffic, I recommend this amazing program:

Unlocking MySpace: A Place For Marketing

Get 100 Unique Visitors To Your Site Free

100FreeHits is a delivery system that delivers 100 unique visitors to your site for free. Thereafter, all you need to do is refer other people to 100FreeHits and for each referral they will send 25 unique visitors to your site.

Get 100 FREE Visitors to Your Website!

Auto Traffic Exchange

Auto Traffic Exchanges

There are two types of traffic exchanges. Manual and Auto. This is about auto traffic exchanges. Auto means automated.


is an auto-traffic exchange. It is free. So sign up for a free account and enter the URL of the website you are promoting. They will send you an email to confirm your email address. Then before you go to bed at night, log into your auto-surfer account and let it surf for you. You will then earn viewing credits while you are sleeping!

One note about auto-surfing is that if you are on a modem or dial-up connection it may slow your system down and it probably is best that you not use auto-surfers. Also, Auto-Surfer.Com does have a lot of pop-ups and some ads aren't kid friendly.

You will also earn 0.1 credit every time your referent shows a site!

Get as much traffic as you can. I think success on the web is a lot about numbers. The more people who see your site, the closer you get to making a sale.


Manual Traffic Exchanges

Manual Traffic Exchanges

There are two types of traffic exchanges, Manual and Auto. This is about manual traffic exchanges.

A traffic exchange is a place where you surf other peoples sites and they surf yours. Each site you view earns you credits. Depending on the traffic exchange, each credit you earn will bring viewers to your website. One benefit of a traffic exchange is often the people who use them are already in Internet marketing. As you begin to succeed and make money with one program, you will find yourself looking for something else to add to your revenue stream. This is the same for people surfing on these traffic exchanges.

Traffic Hoopla is a FREE one-stop shopping list for manual traffic exchanges. Join Traffic Hoopla and then click on the link that says, "1st join these programs." These are a list of the top 40 traffic exchanges. You can join whichever ones you want, but the following are rated the highest in results:


Pulling It All Together To Maximize Results

So maybe you are wondering, why don't I just join one of these programs. The reason why is because the more people you have seeing your website, the more sales you receive. So this is what you need to do to get those maximum results:

If you aren't already using Firefox, download it now. Firefox is a web browser like Internet Explorer or Netscape. But it is a lot better. I always use it. Then after you have joined each traffic exchange for free you want to open each one from Traffic Hoopla. As you open each traffic exchange, a new tab will open and you will have a row of traffic exchanges open to you. Then go to the toolbar on Firefox and click on bookmarks. A flydown box will open and say "bookmark all types." Create a name for your bookmarks. Then the next time you want to surf, just click on bookmarks again and open the folder. All of your traffic exchanges will open and you can begin surfing.

Surf for at least one hour every day. This will build your credits and the more credits you earn, the more traffic your site will get.

Brand Yourself First

Brand Yourself First

Think about the things you are marketing be it a drink or an internet
opportunity. If you only present the product and not you and who you
are you limit yourself to that thing which you are promoting. Also, when you think about yourself and when you do choose to buy, doesn't the sellers credibility make a difference for you? Sure it does. Over time, and as you build your online presence you will build your credibility with people--if you
brand yourself first.

By using my story marketing you brand yourself and people get to know you first. People buy from those they know, like and trust. By allowing people to get to know you first, you are not dependent on that product defining you. What if it goes away, or you choose to start offering
something else?

Presenting your product first is a weak way to market. Think about all of the banner ads you have seen on the internet. After a while, they just become background you ignore on your search to find something meaningful and valuable that can edify your life.

Your story and your struggles and how life has been for you and what you are doing and what is important to you is more important to your business than any banner ad can ever be. People want to connect with real people. People don't want to be seen as dollar signs in your eyes. My experience has shown me that when you tell people about your life you
give them something to relate to. A connection is created. Also, when you connect with people out there and you really care about them you would never want them to buy anything that wasn't really going to be the right thing for them anyway. So there is never any need to sell anything.

The most powerful marketing is having people contact you and inquire about what you are offering. Then it is just a matter of

Attract don't advertise.

Brand yourself by consistently showing who you are by your actions, by your writings and videos. Decide who you want to be on the internet. Examine who you are attracting to you. Are you attracting complainers, procrastinators, people who just want a therapist? Are you attracting to you leaders who know what they want, know where they are going and are ready to make a decision?

Be like who you want to attract. One of my mentors has a fabulous affirmation, "My intention is to easily and effortlessly attract to me those individuals who are ready to learn Law of Attraction and The Science of Getting Rich." One thing she has taught me is to define who
you want to attract to you. Decide. Don't just have some vague idea of a person that might be interested in your health drink you are promoting. Don't try to promote to just anybody. That is a waste of your energy. Instead, decide and choose who you want to contact you. Imagine those individuals who are seeking greater health, greater well being and who are willing to make a change now buying from you today.
That is very different then "yeah, I hope I make a sale today, my sales
are coming." That will not get you very far at all.

Decide who you want to come to you, then when they do, share who you are, let them have time to know, like and trust you. Effective marketing doesn't just happen out in the world, it starts with you. As my mentor always says "Success is an Inside Job."

In addition, you also want to build your credibility. You want to be sure to let people know that you are a credible source and that you are guiding them in an honest way. As you learn about Internet marketing, share that knowledge with others. By sharing your information you will build your credibility with others.

The Secret Forumula


Thisis a formula that if you follow it, it will give you massive success on the
Internet. Here is an article I wrote. The formula comes from the
creators of MLM Goldmine.

MOS=TSLOA + MSM + W20 + FLATCY( P + L) for Online Marketing Success

I have now been doing online marketing for four months. I have seen
this formula floating around the internet and everyone who had it
wouldn't reveal what it meant. I thought to myself, "Gee, if I knew
something that would help people with their online marketing I would
tell them. I would tell them the whole story and not just parts or
spoon feed people like I have been." I had a mentor and he told me he
would teach me, but he left me so much in the dark that I just set out
on my own.

a lot of searching, I finally found the meaning of this formula. I am
grateful that you will not have to waste time like I have because from
all accounts this is the key to Online Success. If you follow this
formula, you will be successful.

I am going to reveal the meaning of this formula for you right now. I would like to be an aha moment for you!

Do you want MLM online Success? Here is what you need to do.

MOS = TSLOA + MSM + W20 + FLTCY (P *L)

The Left Side of the Formula Defined:

is MLM Online Success. If you do all of the things on the right side of
the formula, you will achieve MOS or MLM Online Success. In fact, you
will have great success!

(MLM is an acronym for multi-level marketing.)

The Right Side of the Formula Defined:

stands for The Secret Law of Attraction. You attract everything into
your life. Period. It is working 24/7, you are energy so every time you
use your energy the Universe brings it right back to you. The Law of
Attraction is important for business because you are either attracting
people to your business or repelling people. If you don't believe in
what you are doing, people will sense this and you will repel them.
Having passion, confidence and loving your life now will attract more
people to your business.

your focus from advertising to telling your story. MSM stands for My
Story Marketing. This is a new way of marketing. My Story Marketing is
the new school. It means you tell your story and get people to relate
to you and then you tell them about your business. It means you don't
tell people about your business first, you tell them last. By telling
your story you get people to know, like and trust you, it makes you
real, and then they will buy whatever business you are in because
people buy people, they don't buy businesses.

2.0 is where you tell your story. Web 2.0 isn't one thing, it's just a
coined term for user generated content and social networking sites.
Examples of Web 2.0 are free sites and includes MySpace, YouTube,
Google Video and other video sites, Squidoo, Flickr, Blogs, etc. Here
you can meet like-minded people and attract people who resonate with
your story. Videos are an excellent way to attract people.

you apply The Secret Law of Attraction by My Story Marketing using Web
2.0 you will get Free Leads & Traffic Chasing You (FLATCY).

times P plus L

P is Passion and L stands for Leadership.

the help people are seeking and people will chase you. Now you can stop
spending time chasing traffic and spend your time attracting. When you
put yourself out there, you want to be the help people are seeking.
People will be led by you if they like, trust, and know you. Declare
yourself as a leader. That's all it requires, a declaration from you
stating "I am a leader". Leadership does not depend on your education,
all you need to do is declare yourself as a leader and act like a
leader and truly want to help people. Ohana means "no one left behind."
Live this.

is the fuel and Leadership is the glue. You have got to be passionate
about what you are doing. If you aren't passionate you're not going to
be able to attract people to you. If you are desperate to make a sale,
the Law of Attraction will bring you more desperation to make a sale.

Now you can go into any business and dominate. So follow your passion and then follow this formula.

recap the formula, first forget about advertising. Use this formula to
create a paradigm shift within yourself. This shift will move you away
from seeking to attracting. By putting yourself out there, telling your
story and putting yourself in an attractive position where people say,
"Hey I want what he/she's got," you will become a magnet and attract
people to you interested in what you are selling and even eager to
become involved too.

Here's the formula again and answer:


OnLine Success is applying The Secret Law of Attraction plus My Story
Marketing plus Web 2.0 and you will get Free Leads & Traffic
Chasing You and this is multiplied by your Passion and Leadership.

more Passion and Leadership you have will magnify the results of the
Secret Law of Attraction, My Story Marketing, Web 2.0 and Free Leads
& Traffic Chasing You.

conclusion, people have waited their entire life to meet you. People
want to be led but they won't go with you unless they know, like and
trust you. You have something to share that nobody else has to share -
your story. The amount of money you create in this world is in direct
proportion to the amount of value you cause for someone else. As you do
the above, make sure you create value. See the value of your story.
Applying this will bring you free traffic and MLM online success.

Much Success to You!

Julie Horton - Author

My Story

Hi, my name is Julie Katherine. I am the creator of this forum.

I am a graduate of Sarah Lawrence College. I studied at Oxford University for my junior year abroad. I am currently working towards an Associates degree in Architecture.

I became interested in making money online by my desire to take control of my life and that meant my financial life as well. I decided to leave on-set dressing for films and get into Production Design on a full time basis. I realized I would never make very much money taking care of sets. I went back to school to develop my skills that are directly related to Production Design.

My goal right now is to build my own design firm that incorporates my knowledge in graphic design, film design, architecture and interior design.

I also spend no less than two hours every day learning about Internet marketing and promoting my various programs. I have learned a lot about web 2.0 and other marketing techniques and I am going to share them here with you.

Where is Web 2.0

A Complete Web 2.0 Directory

Where is Web 2.0?

The answer is it's nowhere and it's everywhere!

But seriously, for a complete directory of web 2.0 and to see how HUGE it is go here: GO2WEB2.0.NET This
web site is a collection of all of the social networking sites out
there. Mouse over the different images and click on them to read about
each one. As you can see, the possibilities are endless! By joining these social networking sites, you can make friends, brand yourself, and let people know about your great opportunity that will truly improve their lives.

Best news of all, it's free.


The Importance of AutoResponders For Your Online Business

As you grow in your online endeavors or if you have already

reached the point of exhaustion trying to keep up

with answering the mountain of emails that threatens to

bury you alive every single day, you're ready to learn

about autoresponders.

The bad news is that people expect prompt replies to their

email inquiries. However, unless you can figure out how to

work continual twenty-four hour shifts, or hire enough

people to constantly monitor incoming emails (while they're

eating up your revenue), you have a problem. The good news

is an autoresponder is an inexpensive

method of quickly responding to emails. What these programs

do is automatically respond to incoming emails as soon as

they are received.

Emails are essential to your business for many different

reasons. Most importantly, these invisible email voices

give you their feedback about your website!

However, if you spend all your working hours answering

these emails, how are you supposed to run your business?

The answer is simple: use autoresponders. Autoresponders

are programs that automatically respond to your emails

without you so much as having to click on your mouse.

There are a number of good reasons why you need an

autoresponder besides just answering your email. For

example, autoresponders can be used if you need a way to

send information about your services or products, price

lists, or if there are repeated questions asked across

large numbers of emails. Maybe you want to offer your site

visitors a special bonus of some kind, such as advice or

relevant articles. All of this can be handled by an

autoresponder. Additionally, you can advertise your

business and then build stable relationships with your

customers by using autoresponders.

Autoresponder programs vary from software that runs with

your email program to a specialized script that runs on

your web hosting company's server. This kind of script may

use a web page form or simply operate with your email

account. This kind of script is programmed to send out a

standardized message whenever an email is received. The

message is sent to a particular script or email address.

Some autoresponders can do more than simply send out

standardized messages. They can send out an unlimited

number of follow-up messages sent at predetermined interval

of time. For example, you can set your autoresponder to

send out a new message every day for as long a period as

you desire.

There are numerous companies who offer autoresponders free

of charge. Your website hosting company often provides

autoresponders as a free service. If this is not the case

with your web hosting company, there are numerous companies

who offer this service for a small fee, or free of charge,

providing you attach an advertisement for their company to

your emails.

To personalize your autoresponder messages, you can attach

a signature. Signatures in this case are much like business

cards. You can include your name, company, all your contact

numbers and addresses, and a brief message.

It's a good idea to attach a signature to every email that

is sent out. This works as a repeated reminder of your

business identity every time a customer sees it. The more

they look at your signature, the more likely your company

will spring to mind when your particular service or product

is needed.

You can create a standardized signature that every employee

in your business uses, or you can go wild, and let every

staff member create their own personal signature. Of

course, like everything in life, there are some rules and

guidelines to creating a personal signature.

Keep the length of your signature between four to six lines

of text, with no more than 70 characters in a single line.

Make sure that your email program does not cut off your

text! The content should include your name, your company

name, your email address, fax number, and any other contact

details, such as 800 numbers. Lastly, always include a

short personal message about your company. It should be a

subtle sell of your services or your products, and possibly

your company's reliability and longevity.

Another specialized use of autoresponders is to create

courses that you can then offer your site visitors for

free. You must choose a topic in which you are an expert

and that precisely targets your potential customers.

Once you have carefully chosen your subject, divide it into

a number of different sub-topics. Then offer your site

visitor a free 10 or 15 day course, each day offering a

different sub-topic. The first topic should always be a

welcome message to your site visitor and an explanation

about what is to follow. Your explanation should be

enticing, getting the point across that you are offering

free, quality information that your target audience will

find of great value.

With every lesson, include the number of the lesson, the

topic title, information about your company and its

services or products. At the end, include a few blurbs

about the next lesson to entice the subscriber to continue


Make sure each topic is packed with essential and valuable

information, and leaves the visitor lusting to know more.

Otherwise, you may lose them in the very beginning.

Of course, you have to write up your course before you can

offer it. Once you have done this, and gone over the

material carefully, employing a professional writer or

editor if necessary, you must transfer your text to your


Email is an excellent marketing tool; it is inexpensive and

it is fast. Use it to advertise your business by choosing

your email address carefully. Your website should contain

different email addresses for different contact requests.

For example, use for information

requests, or for questions about

sales. It's a good idea to set up one for the owner, such

as This presents your company in

a personal, approachable light and insures that direct

contact is provided.

Autoresponders are an effective and powerful marketing

tool, allowing you to make contact with thousands of

potential customers. This is an invaluable asset

considering how many potential customers you usually have

contact with before you make an actual sale. Essentially,

an autoresponser allows you to automate part of your

marketing campaign.

I did a lot of research on autoresponders. Aweber is very popular

but it costs $19.95/month just to get started. Also, they say they

give you a free 30 day trial but they still want your credit card up

front. I personally didn't like that. I chose Titanium Turbo Respond

because I could get started for just $4.95 a month.

Plus, they give you a real 30 day free trial. You can log in and start

adding up to 3 emails and you can send yourself tests to see if you

like your email and also if your links are working properly. It is very

easy to learn and they also give you the html code to put into your

splash page to capture people's emails and names. I highly

recommend it. As you build your list, you can chose different

packages and they are all still very affordable. To get unlimited

emails and unlimited everything, you then pay $19.95 a

month. But, for me since I am new at this stuff I felt paying $4.95

was a much better deal and I still get a ton of value. Give it a test

drive yourself. There is no reason not to, especially when they

don't make you submit a credit card to get started.

Try AutoResponder Titanium Today For Free!


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Sunday, November 4, 2007

You loved him in The Secret, now be Mentored by him FREE

You know that little book that totally changed Rhonda Byrne's life, "The Science of Getting Rich" by Wallace D. Wattles? If you have read it you know, like me, it can be a little confusing and even though it is a little book there is A LOT to take in! Wouldn't it help to have someone explain the book to you AND if you wanted to ask any question you could AND you can get an immediate answer? If you would like that, then here is your chance to be personally mentored by Bob Proctor

Listen to Bob's interpretation of The Science of Getting Rich LIVE and ask any question you want LIVE.

Here is the call in time. Note it is EVERY MONDAY.

* Date and Time: Every Monday at 5:00 p.m. EST (New York time) / 2:00 p.m. PST (California time)

* Dial in number: 1-507-726-3300

* Access Code: 22010

Remember to get your 7 FREE Lessons from Michael Beckwith, Jack Canfield, and Bob Proctor here:

If you have any questions about the SGR Program, Call Me.


Earn $200 Per Day - We Show You How Step By Step!

Would you like to be shown exactly how to make $200 Per Day?

Our teams system teaches so much more than I can mention in this

brief post, but here are the highlights of what you will learn

while you are earning money from our step-by-step daily marketing

plans we build for you...

* how to get all the FREE leads you can handle

* how to follow up with those leads automatically

* how to turn those leads into paying customers

* how to save time and boost profits

* how to build multiple income streams

* and much more...How about a daily marketing schedule?

Imagine... a professional online system designed to help you

generate profits online. This powerful automated system works

around the clock to continually attract visitors to your web

site, follow up with interested prospects, convert prospects into

paying customers, and track your advertising results.

Now imagine the creator of this system personally training you

on a daily basis, and even designing your marketing plan! All you

have to do is follow it.

This System Is So Easy It's Scary!

You have to read the free report though to the end. We are only

interested in working with people who are serious enough to take

the time to learn WHAT they will be doing and WHY it will work for


Most companies make you pay first BEFORE you actually see what is

in store. We do it the other way and tell you EVERYTHING beforehand

so you can make an informed decision for once.

Go Here To Get Your FREE Report:

$200 Per Day Blueprint

Read it all the way through and take some time to decide if this is

for you or not. Get in touch with the member who brought you the

free report and get your questions answered. Their email address

will only be made available at the end of the report.

This is not some dinky affiliate program to make a quick buck off

of you. This is a serious business for serious individuals who are

tired of the dinky 3 ring affiliate circus.

Is that you? If so you came to the right place.

With gratitude,

Julie Katherine & Adam Bautheus

$200Blueprint Marketing Group
$200 Per Day Blueprint

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Giving more value than I take in Cash Value

What is the result of giving more value than I take in Cash Value?

Here is an email I just received:

Hi Julie,

I would like to sign up under you. What are the steps required?

Kind regards,

XXXXX her name is x-d out for her privacy.

Why did I get an email like this? Because I apply the Science of Getting Rich to my online business. One of the very important statements by Wallace D. Wattles in 'The Science of Getting Rich" is as follows:

Pg. 95 Chapter is called "The Impression of Increase"

"You must so impress others that they will feel that in associating with you they will get increase for themselves. See that you give them a use value greater than the cash value you are taking from them.

If you always take an honest pride in doing this and let everybody know it, you will always have customers. People will go where they are given increase ; and the Supreme Power - which desires increase in everything and which knows everything - will move you toward men and women who have never heard of you. Your business will increase rapidly, and you will be surprised at the unexpected benefits which will come to you. You will be able to make larger combinations, to secure greater advantages and go on into a more congenial vocation if you desire to do so"



to read my Success Plan for you that follows the Science of Getting Rich. It is a great opportunity for you.

Visit: click on "join now". Right now when you click on Manny Costillo's page it says this is a 1-up program, meaning he needs to become qualified. I help you bring on your first person. Later tomorrow, check his "join now" page and it will only say, "Your referrer is

ID#48981 Manny Castillo" because the person who contacted me above is going to qualify Manny. I help you bring on your first person. That's SGR in action. I give more in use value than I take in cash value so the very first person he brings on will be essentially giving him back $100 he invested to join, the very next person he brings on will repay him $25 and he will be on pure profit. I also sign you up for the Masters Program for free and if you share that program in and of itself it will make you very rich.

Visit and join my team today. It is a win win for you because my foundation is built on The Science of Getting Rich and giving more in use value than I take in cash value.

With Gratitude,


Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Uploading A Ton of Videos All At Once!

There is a great way to upload your videos all at once. It saves you time and it increases your exposure by 20 fold. Do you want to know how? Then join my team today.

LOA Goldmine.COM

Monday, October 22, 2007

The Secret Pays + SGR + Yuwie + The Masters Program = The Success Plan

The Secret Pays + SGR + Yuwie + The Masters Program = The Success Plan

Do you want to build a passive residual income on the Internet? If yes, than watch this.

Join my team today, call me at 801-580-1698.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

My Success Plan For You

Join My Team Today and You will receive this awesome package of money-making opportunities on the Internet. If you join my team and follow all of the FREE marketing tutorials you are given you will build an awesome passive residual income on the Internet.

Here is my Success Plan for you:

  1. Join the Secret Pays for a one-time fee of $125. Below is a video that tells you all about it. You get two websites to promote the Secret Pays, one is an auto-responder system that follows up with your leads for you and the other is the main website to join. The key here before you join is you MUST CONTACT ME FIRST because I help people who sign up with me become qualified. That means I bring on your first person for you so you don't have to. That means you will begin making $100 on every person you bring on thereafter. I do the hard part for you. So you need to contact me first. My number is 801-580-1698.

  2. Join the Science of Getting Rich Affiliate Program for FREE. Here is a link to the SGR Program and here is a link to the Affiliate Program to sign up. Once you sign up, I will give you access to FREE training for this program created by an amazing Internet Millionaire. After you go through his training, you will be able to promote anything on the Internet and be successful. Send me an email and let me know when you have joined as a free affiliate. SGR Affiliates make $500 for first-tier sales and $250 for second-tier sales.
  3. Join Yuwie - it's FREE and it pays you. You will want to use social networking sites to begin promoting your business anyway so you may as well be making money at the same time. You will learn all about Web 2.0 and how to use it for your best success when you begin the training mentioned above.
  4. Once you do the following you will get a link to join my free forum where you can get more marketing information and you can ask any questions you want and you will get answers..
  5. Finally, my gift to you for joining my team is a life-time membership to the Masters Program. This is an amazing program that will in itself make you very rich. It's low cost, marketing program you give away for free, and its high value will attract people easily and effortlessly. The life-time membership is $39.95 and I pay for that for you.
One note, I am only offering this to people who really want to make a passive residual income on the internet. My intention by using the Law of Attraction is to attract only people who are serious and who can see the value in this great Success Plan. I am following the Laws of the Universe and the Science of Getting Rich that I provide more in use value than I take in cash value. This Success Plan will make you very rich if you spend no less than 1 hour every evening following the tutorials and marketing your opportunities.

This is a limited time offer and only for new members of the Secret Pays. So take action now. There is no reason to not do this. The value I am giving you far exceeds the initial investment of $125.

Contact me today and lets get started. In three months from now, you will not recognize your bank account. You will not recognize you, because you will have learned so much.


Law of Attraction Question

how can we know for sure that what we want we will actually get? especially when it is something really big? and it seems impossible. is it possible to apply The Secret correctly and still not achieve?

Hi Carrie,

That is really a loaded question. One thing Bob Proctor teaches us is you wouldn't have the desire for something if God hadn't given you the ability to achieve it. Just by the mere fact that you desire something means you CAN achieve it. If you applied the Secret properly than you will achieve it.

Bob Proctor teaches us in the SGR Program that when we desire something it should feel like when we are in love. When you are in love with someone you don't need to try to think about him. You just do, in fact you love thinking about him so much that you will think about him when you are driving your car, eating cereal in the morning, what ever silly thing you are doing you just can't help but think about this person you are in love with. That is how what we desire should be for us. We can't help but think about it, we should imagine ourselves with the thing we want and using it in our minds. If you want a new car imagine yourself with that car, enjoy using it in your mind. If it is something you REALLY want you won't be able to stop thinking about it.

The law is that what we Think about becomes FORM in our lives. Some people say be careful what you think about. But I think it goes deeper than that. I think we need to also be careful what we FEEL about. For example, if I THINK I am rich, but I FEEL that I am poor than the signal that is sent out to the Universe is "I am poor" and the Universe will send back that experience that I am poor even if I THINK I am rich.

So, regarding your question above, if you read what I said and than THINK "ok I can achieve this really big thing, it seems impossible, it seems like I will never get it, but the Universe will show me the way (that all sounds pretty positive right?) But if you FEEL, I am just fooling myself and trying to think that I will get this thing, but I feel I won't, then see your feelings will be sent out to the Universe and you won't get what you want because you felt that you wouldn't even though you thought you would.

In the Secret, Michael Beckwith says "this is a feeling Universe." Remember that so when you think something be aware of your feelings too.

In the Science of Getting Rich program they teach us that we need to have three things in congruence or in harmony:

Our Thoughts

Our Feelings

Our Actions

It is also stated this way:

Ask ( we think what we want and ask for it)

Believe (we feel and believe we will receive it)

Receive (we act to receive that which we desire)

All three need to work in harmony with each other. All three things must work toward the thing you desire. You can't THINK I am rich, FEEL I am rich, and then not ACT and sit on your butt and do nothing. You can't THINK I am rich, FEEL that you are poor, and ACT by working 90 hours a week and achieve wealth.

All three things need to be in harmony and working as one. As these three things are in harmony the Universe will bend itself to your will and what it is you are wanting. You will attract the way, as Bob Proctor states, you don't need to know how just know as you proceed in harmony with your thoughts, feelings, and actions you will attract the way to achieve what you want.

Abundance & Love Live Here

The SGR Program

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Become a Free Affiliate for the SGR Program

Click on the awesome peel-away ad in the corner.

Very cool!

Powerful Webcast Tonight 8PM Eastern Time - Oct. 17

Learn from Internet Millionaire, Brian Wong, how he has made over $100,000 sharing the SGR Program. I, too, am SGR and it is the best program for personal development. It is only because of SGR and the principles that I have learned from studying Bob Proctor's program, that I am now making $300 a week + on the Internet. It has taught me to give more in use value than I take in cash value. It has taught me how to create and not compete. It has taught me how to think what I want regardless of appearances, and how to get what I want regardless of appearance. Learn more by joining us on this fabulous webcast. Be sure to click on the Make Money now button and become a free affiliate. The SGR Program has changed my life and it will change yours.


Use Videos To Increase Traffic To Your Business Opportunity

YouTube has just gone wild. The fact that Google bought it for an insane amount of money is even more proof. YouTube receives over 100 million visitors every day. That spells big traffic for you and your business. There are lots of people on YouTube and other traffic exchanges telling people about their business and why they are in it. It is a great way to not only promote what you are selling, but also to brand you. Remember, whenever you are promoting a business promote you first.

YouTube is only one place to post your videos. Here is a list of websites:

  • Google Video
  • Current TV
  • Infectious Videos
    - A video sharing site that allows you to embed your favourite videos from across the web. It has a revenue share system that gives you 50 percent of any advertising impressions on the videos you upload - using
    your own adsense account

  • Free Hobo Videos

  • ClipMoon - ClipMoon is a free video sharing community portal. Watch, upload and share videos. You get unlimited video hosting space.

  • - Users can upload videos up to 100 MB in size, users can earn by placing their own adsense ads on their video upload pages.

  • Liveleak

  • AOL Video

  • Yahoo video
  • My You Tube - A digest of recently added, most viewed and most discussed videos that are posted on You Tube.

  • DropShots

  • Metacafe

  • PiXPO - Video sharing and broadcasting app with web integration

  • Free Video Blog
    - Streaming video service (Live video streaming), video blogging, vlog, video casting, video webcast, vblogging from Skilltip, an Interactive website for how to videos submitted by companies & individuals let you broadcast yourself.

  • SYS-CON - live technology news and video Webcasts

  • Uspot
    This site has combined Flickr, YuTube, MySpace and Facebook
    into one site for college students.

  • Box Check this out!

  • MySpace
  • Obviously, there are lots of choices. So I recommend that you begin with YouTube. There are also programs you can purchase that upload your videos to a lot of these sites all at once.

    One thing is for sure, the Internet has given us all infinite possibilities and infinite resources to promote our opportunities.

    Much Success To You!


Saturday, October 13, 2007

Auto Traffic Exchange

There are two types of traffic exchanges. Manual and Auto.

This is about auto traffic exchanges. I recommend Auto-Surfer.Com

It is free. So sign up for a free account and enter the URL of the website you are promoting. They will send you an email to confirm your email address. Then before you go to bed at night, log into your auto-surfer account and let it surf for you. You will then earn viewing credits while you are sleeping!

You will also earn 0.1 credit every time your referent shows a site!

Get as much traffic as you can. I think success on the web is a lot about numbers. The more people who see your site, the closer you get to making a sale.


Friday, October 12, 2007

100 Free Hits To Your Website

100FreeHits.Com is a delivery system that delivers 100 unique visitors to your site for free. Thereafter, all you need to do is refer other people to and for each referral they will send 25 unique visitors to your site.

Get 100 FREE Visitors to Your Website!

A Social Network Like MySpace, but it pays you...

Yuwie is a social network site just like MySpace, but it pays you.

It is free to join. You can upload pictures, you get your own blog, you get to meet new people, and it's all free to you and you get paid.

View the videos to learn more:

What is Yuwie?

How Do You Get Paid?

The Power of Yuwie Referrals:

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Getting Traffic To Your Opportunities

Web 2.0 Power

Web 2.0 is user generated content, for example MySpace, Yuwie and YouTube. The content is created by you and me that is why Time Magazine nominated the Person of the Year - You. We are changing the face of the internet. If you want to be successful on the net it is vital that you learn and become involved in its power. MySpace and YouTube have created a new wave of marketing. Nothing will ever be the same again - no more calling your relatives or cold calling leads, it's now all about Free Leads and Traffic Chasing YOU! Read on, I am going to teach you everything I know.


Ok, if you are promoting something to sell on MySpace the best thing to do is promote yourself. Brand yourself first. Here are 6 key steps to help you create your MySpace Profile. If you need additional help, feel free to give me a howler or a growl or a scream because you are frustrated by it - no problem I'll help. If you want to see my MySpace Profile, visit: JulieKatherineSpace Follow these 6 key steps to marketing yourself on MySpace:

Intro. Here you can give your phone number and state a web site you have created stating "Hi, my name is so and so, I am the creator of Make this only two to three lines. You want #1- your personal pictures-to be right at the top to grab people's attention. (If you don't have a web site you have created, just tell people your name and give a phone number if you want.)

#1. At the beginning of your MySpace profile add personal pictures us. done with a slide show. This shows people who you are. Go to SLIDE.COM . All you do is upload pics and chose the style of slide show you want. It is easy to do and it gives you the code to add to your "about me" section on your MySpace profile. (It is free.)

#2. Write about yourself - your personal background.

#3. Establish a problem - which includes your personal frustrations, something
that was rough for you.

#4. Give the Solution - What happened to lead you to the solution. (This is where you mention what you are selling - but keep it subtle and simple)

#5. Call to action message. Give your phone number and let people know how you can help them.

#6. Describe who you want to work with (or who you don't want to work with).These are the 6 key points.

For #2 when you write about yourself remember no one on this planet is like you, you have a story no one else can tell. Remember to establish yourself as a leader. You want to establish yourself as a leader because people want to buy from people who will lead them to success. Be the answer and the leader they are looking for. Give Help and don't concern yourself with what you get back. Another helpful thought is when you are choosing your "My Story" think about what you can share about yourself that can inspire others, that can help people relate to and connect with you, don't be afraid to share the crap, heartache and failures. This makes you real. Everyone can relate to crap, heartache and failure. Let people know how you are turning it all around or how you did turn it all around. If you are still in the process of turning it around, don't run from that, embrace that, that makes you uniquely you, embrace where you are right now, here and now, to hell with what you are going to be tomorrow. It doesn't matter, share who you are NOW. You are a human B E I N G .... so BE ! Embrace yourself now.

If you are a single Mom trying to make it alone and raise your kids, tell that story, that is beautiful. If you are a businessman who has lost everything and is starting over, tell your story, that is beautiful. See the power in your story, imagine you coming along and reading someone else's profile that lost everything, made bad business decisions, but is working his way out of it -wouldn't you want to connect with that person? Of course you would because you would relate to him because that is where you are too and you want to know what he is doing to turn things around. You are going to call him, you are going to want to know what he is selling. You are going to want to know what turned things around for him. If you are a single Mom and you are making money on the Internet and that in turn is giving you more time to spend with your kids that is valuable. If someone is trying to raise their kids alone and they see your profile they are going to be able to relate to you, they are going to want to get in contact with you and see how you are able to be at home with your kids. See the power in your story? Here is a perfect opportunity for you to turn the crap, hell, hardships, bad luck, bad times into a golden opportunity to not only help yourself but to help others. Grab this opportunity and get on MySpace. It is free and it will bring you free traffic.

Now you want to customize your MySpace:

Here are some links I think you will find useful:

These sites have layouts you can choose from and also code generators. Your customization code always goes in your "about me" section.

Now add friends:

The reason why you want to add friends is because if you don't then you are dependent on people just by happy accident finding your profile. When you add friends you are in essence driving traffic to your profile - you are driving free exposure to yourself and anything you are marketing. It is a very powerful thing really. When someone becomes your friend you can send them messages. Never spam, that can get you kicked off the network.

Click this banner below to download your FREE Friend Adder software today and add 50 new friends each day.

To learn more about MySpace and how to harness it's power for massive free traffic, I recommend this amazing program: Unlocking MySpace: A Place For Marketing

There is a formula that if you follow will give you massive success on the Internet. Here is an article I wrote. The formula comes from the creators of MLM Goldmine.

MOS=TSLOA + MSM + W20 + FLATCY( P + L) for Online Marketing Success

I have now been doing online marketing for four months. I have seen this formula floating around the internet and everyone who had it wouldn't reveal what it meant. I thought to myself, "Gee, if I knew something that would help people with their online marketing I would tell them. I would tell them the whole story and not just parts or spoon feed people like I have been." I had a mentor and he told me he would teach me, but he left me so much in the dark that I just set out on my own.

After a lot of searching, I finally found the meaning of this formula. I am grateful that you will not have to waste time like I have because from all accounts this is the key to Online Success. If you follow this formula, you will be successful.

I am going to reveal the meaning of this formula for you right now. I would like to be an aha moment for you!

Do you want MLM online Success? Here is what you need to do.
MOS = TSLOA + MSM + W20 + FLTCY (P *L)

The Left Side of the Formula Defined:

MOS is MLM Online Success. If you do all of the things on the right side of the formula, you will achieve MOS or MLM Online Success. In fact, you will have great success!

(MLM is an acronym for multi-level marketing.)

The Right Side of the Formula Defined:

TSLOA stands for The Secret Law of Attraction. You attract everything into your life. Period. It is working 24/7, you are energy so every time you use your energy the Universe brings it right back to you. The Law of Attraction is important for business because you are either attracting people to your business or repelling people. If you don't believe in what you are doing, people will sense this and you will repel them. Having passion, confidence and loving your life now will attract more people to your business.

Shift your focus from advertising to telling your story. MSM stands for My Story Marketing. This is a new way of marketing. My Story Marketing is the new school. It means you tell your story and get people to relate to you and then you tell them about your business. It means you don't tell people about your business first, you tell them last. By telling your story you get people to know, like and trust you, it makes you real, and then they will buy whatever business you are in because people buy people, they don't buy businesses.

Web 2.0 is where you tell your story. Web 2.0 isn't one thing, it's just a coined term for user generated content and social networking sites. Examples of Web 2.0 are free sites and includes MySpace, YouTube, Google Video and other video sites, Squidoo, Flickr, Blogs, etc. Here you can meet like-minded people and attract people who resonate with your story. Videos are an excellent way to attract people.

If you apply The Secret Law of Attraction by My Story Marketing using Web 2.0 you will get Free Leads & Traffic Chasing You (FLATCY).

This web site is a collection of all of the social networking sites out there. Mouse over the different images and click on them to read about each one. As you can see, the possibilities are endless!