Tuesday, January 15, 2008

$200 Per Day Marketing Blueprint

$200 Per Day Marketing Blueprint makes making money online easy. It's hard when you don't know what to do. The beauty of this program is you get a step by step guide that teaches you
what to do.

This is the first program that I have joined where I consistently make money. But, more importantly, I am having success because I know what I need to do, I just simply follow my schedule until each thing is done every day.

One of the most important aspects to succeeding online is "effective action." If you are running here and there with no clear goal in mind, or an unclear idea of why you are doing what you are doing, achieving success will be very slow and painful.

I know, I have been there. I tried to do too many things each day and they yielded meager results.

Another problem was I had no idea where to find other people that also wanted to make money online. So, what did I do? I started with Google Adwords and starting spending money like crazy and I never made any money because Google Adwords are hard. You have to know what you are doing. The unfortunate thing about Google Adwords is you need to test and re-test your ads until you find out what ad delivers. That costs time and money, and by the time I started to get a clue, I had spent so much money that I was really discouraged and didn't care what I learned.

Worse, I had people calling me from my programs, saying "hey, I saw you are using Google Adwords to advertise The Secret Pays, how is that going for you?" Do you know what that means? That means I just got charged money because some goon wanted to know what was beneath my advertisement words, he had no intention of buying anything. That's another thing that sucks about Google adwords, people in the same program as you clicking on your ads to check out how you are advertising the same thing!

Do you get where I am going here? Do you know that there are many, many ways to find hot, laser targeted leads without spending any money?

Do you want to play ball with top internet marketers without breaking your bank account or having to make an announcement to your spouse that sounds like this, "Oh, by the way honey, I bought into a program today for $4000 on the internet, but don't worry we are going to make a lot of money right away." How about D I V O R C E - that's what that's going to cause.

I could go on and on about other ways I have wasted money, so if you are like me and you want help and you want to be involved in a program with integrity and real training that will guide you to proven success, then please read my free report today.

$200 Per Day Marketing Blueprint is the very best program on the internet today. You simply can do nothing else but succeed - all you have to do is follow our blueprint!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Do you know how much one cafe latte, every day...

Do you know how much one cafe latte, every day, for one year amounts to?

I live in Salt Lake City, and a large cafe latte is $3.72. If you times that by 365 for the amount of days in the year you will spend $1357.80. And you do it too. In fact some of you have to have a cafe latte or some specialty drink from Starbucks every day or your day just doesn't go right. Right? But, when it comes to really investing in yourself and molding yourself into the person you really want to be you hem and haw, procrastinate, clutch yourself with fear, thoughts crowd your mind with "I can't do that" or "that's too expensive." But you will spend $1357.80 on a drink that gives you maybe 20 minutes of pleasure each day. Why?

How much does it really cost you to not invest in yourself? Can you even calculate a figure? I doubt it. You may be losing millions, and not even know it.

I was in your shoes too. I couldn't work, I hadn't made any money for a very long time, I'm embarrassed to say, and I was miserable. I was miserable because there was something that made me really angry at myself that I needed a "JOB" and had to work for someone else to bring money in. In fact, I went through a long phase of really detesting myself and would rack my brain on how I could change my situation. It really got heavy at times.

But, here I am today and my life doesn't even resemble the one I was living four months ago. That is how powerful this program is. That is why it is 3:00 in the morning here and I feel this passionate about this program and need to share it. If I reach one person who I can take a hold of their hand and pull them from the darkness and make them see that it is ALL ABOUT INVESTING IN YOURSELF I will have done something meaningful and fulfilling with my life.

Our culture is very ready and willing to see you spend $1357.80 on cafe lattes for one year, but what if you say I am going to spend $1995.00 on a program that is going to help me not only be a better me but when I walk out onto the street and see a coffee shop I'll have the mindset that says, "to hell with one little cup of coffee, I'm going to buy the whole damn chain of Starbucks."

It's all about mindset, but you aren't going to get that transformation doing the same crap every day, day in and out. You need to make a real change, and I can tell you the SGR Program is your ticket to not only financial abundance but a better you. So, quit the procrastinating, make a decision, and buy this program. I am here to help you all the way and yes, you will succeed and yes, in four months you will not recognize yourself.


How can we know for sure we get what we want?

how can we know for sure that what we want we will actually get?
especially when it is something really big? and it seems impossible. is
it possible to apply The Secret correctly and still not achieve?

Hi Carrie,

That is really a loaded question. One thing Bob Proctor teaches us is you wouldn't have the desire for something if God hadn't given you the ability to achieve it. Just by the mere fact that you desire something means you CAN achieve it. If you applied the Secret properly than you will achieve it.

Bob Proctor teaches us in the SGR Program that when we desire something it should feel like when we are in love. When you are in love with someone you don't need to try to think about him. You just do, in fact you love thinking about him so much that you will think about him when you are driving your car, eating cereal in the morning, what ever silly thing you are doing you just can't help but think about this person you are in love with. That is how what we desire should be for us. We can't help but think about it, we should imagine ourselves with the thing we want and using it in our minds. If you want a new car imagine yourself with that car, enjoy using it in your mind. If it is something you REALLY want you won't be able to stop thinking about it.

The law is that what we Think about becomes FORM in our lives. Some people say be careful what you think about. But I think it goes deeper than that. I think we need to also be careful what we FEEL about. For example, if I THINK I am rich, but I FEEL that I am poor than the signal that is sent out to the Universe is "I am poor" and the Universe will send back that experience that I am poor even if I THINK I am rich.

So, regarding your question above, if you read what I said and than THINK "ok I can achieve this really big thing, it seems impossible, it seems like I will never get it, but the Universe will show me the way (that all sounds pretty positive right?) But if you FEEL, I am just fooling myself and trying to think that I will get this thing, but I feel I won't, then see your feelings will be sent out to the Universe and you won't get what you want because you felt that you wouldn't even though you thought you would.

In the Secret, Michael Beckwith says "this is a feeling Universe." Remember that so when you think something be aware of your feelings too.

In the Science of Getting Rich program they teach us that we need to have three things in congruence or in harmony:

Our Thoughts

Our Feelings

Our Actions

It is also stated this way:

Ask ( we think what we want and ask for it)

Believe (we feel and believe we will receive it)

Receive (we act to receive that which we desire)

All three need to work in harmony with each other. All three things must work toward the thing you desire. You can't THINK I am rich, FEEL I am rich, and then not ACT and sit on your butt and do nothing. You can't THINK I am rich, FEEL that you are poor, and ACT by working 90 hours a week and achieve wealth.

All three things need to be in harmony and working as one. As these three things are in harmony the Universe will bend itself to your will and what it is you are wanting. You will attract the way, as Bob Proctor states, you don't need to know how just know as you proceed in harmony with your thoughts, feelings, and actions you will attract the way to achieve what you want.

Abundance & Love Live Here


Why I love "The Law of Gender"

Actually, I hated this law when I first learned about it. I hated it so much, until I figured out what it was about and how to use it to my advantage.

In the SGR Program, we are taught not just the Law of Attraction but other Laws of the Universe. One is The Law of Gender. This law states two things.

  1. Everything has its masculine (yang) and
    feminine (yin) principles, and these are the foundation for all

  2. Every seed has a gestation or incubation period. It takes time for the things you want to appear. Your goals will manifest when the time is right. Know they will.

The second part is what we focus on in the SGR Program. The reason why I hated this law is because I was focusing on my results and I wanted what I wanted NOW! I was annoyed and thought "Ok, Universe, I told you what I want, I believe I will get it, but where is it?" That was a big mistake because immediately I would feel a flood of doubt sweep over me. I began to think "my results aren't showing what I want, it's not coming, I'm just fooling myself."

That lasted for about three months, I would set an intention for something, give myself say three months for it to appear and then the very next day I would check my results and say, "it's not coming." I kept playing numbers on myself until I sat down and listened to the SGR tapes and finally it sunk in.

The Law of Gender is now my friend. Why? Because it helps me let go and let God. Let's say I want a new car and I have been planning for it and doing effective action toward getting it, but still it seems like it will never come. When I remind myself of The Law of Gender it reminds me there is a larger universal order working beyond myself. When what I want has not appeared I remind myself, it is on its way, it just needs more time to appear. It helps me let go of doubt and fear and I jump right back on focus of what I want - that new car.

I now use this law for my benefit because it keeps doubt away. Bob Proctor says we live our lives from the "outside in", He teaches we need to live from the "inside out". What that means is we are creators of our lives, we create our lives. If you live from the "outside in" than the things outside of yourself will dictate your experience. If you live from the "inside out" than you are in control of your experience, outside results don't affect you anymore. When you are in control of your experience, than you will know what you want is on its way to you and doubt and fear slip away.

Live from the "inside out" and lean on the Law of Gender. In English, that means you create your life from within yourself, you proceed with faith and assurance in the things you want are on its way to you, and time is merely a bridge for you to cross to receive.

"Abundance & Love Live Here"

Get Paid To View Ads

Clix Sense pays you to view their ads. There is no reason why you wouldn't want to sign up and earn some extra cash. Also, read about their affiliate program. All is free to sign up for and over time it could bring you a some extra money each month.

Another company that will pay you to view their ads is Bux.to.
Just check their site each day to see what ads are there for you to click on. Or you can sign up and become a premium member. I am doing more research on this to see if it is really worthwhile thing.


Why I Am With The Secret Pays

I joined the Secret Pays in late July and I am now making between $400 and $600 a week from the program. I spend at least two hours every day promoting it using various advertising resources on the internet.

At first I didn't make any money with the program. I contacted my sponsor and asked her for some help. She told me to focus on only the people I want to attract. So, I focused on attracting people who are internet marketers or people who want to do internet marketing that are ready to buy and have the money to buy. After I put that out there I started to make sales. That taught me a lot about the law of attraction. I stopped SEEKING just anybody, and I decided who I wanted to ATTRACT and they came and they contact me daily.

Yesterday, I got a call from a fellow named John. He just wanted to talk to me for a few minutes about the Secret Pays. I had say a 6 minute phone call with him. He said he had spoken with many people who are also with the Secret Pays but no one compelled him to join.

I told John that this program out of several that I am promoting is the one that is doing best for me, and it really is. Some of the other programs I have worked way harder promoting and haven't had the results like I do with the Secret Pays. I told him if he signs up and doesn't do any work to promote his website he will not make any money. You can't just sit on your butt with this stuff and expect results. I then told him I help everyone who joins with me become qualified. The Secret Pays is a 1-up program where he will pass his first person on to me, his sponsor. I do that for you. So the very first person he brings on will really be giving him back his $100 he paid to me. After that, he will make a $75 profit with the second person he brings on, and $100 profit for each person after that into thousands of dollars in profit. So with my helping him become qualified, it is a win win for him if he wants to start making money on the internet.

He joined.

Why am I with the Secret Pays then? Simply because I am making money - easily - and - I am helping other people make money -and - I like that people don't have a huge bill for joining (there is a one time fee of $125) - and - it is easy to make your money back - and - from there on you have endless $100 flowing to you.

So, join my Secret Pays team today. If you want to visit the website to learn more, visit: The Secret Pays. If you want to see the auto-responder you get free for joining, visit: The Secret Pays Auto-Responder

Please contact me at julie@loagoldmine.com so I can put you with someone on my team and get them qualified. It is a win win for everyone - I make money, you help someone get qualified, and I will do the same for you.

Please email me at julie@loagoldmine.com to get started.



Here is a short video I made that tells you what you get when you join the Secret Pays: