Wednesday, November 7, 2007

How can we know for sure we get what we want?

how can we know for sure that what we want we will actually get?
especially when it is something really big? and it seems impossible. is
it possible to apply The Secret correctly and still not achieve?

Hi Carrie,

That is really a loaded question. One thing Bob Proctor teaches us is you wouldn't have the desire for something if God hadn't given you the ability to achieve it. Just by the mere fact that you desire something means you CAN achieve it. If you applied the Secret properly than you will achieve it.

Bob Proctor teaches us in the SGR Program that when we desire something it should feel like when we are in love. When you are in love with someone you don't need to try to think about him. You just do, in fact you love thinking about him so much that you will think about him when you are driving your car, eating cereal in the morning, what ever silly thing you are doing you just can't help but think about this person you are in love with. That is how what we desire should be for us. We can't help but think about it, we should imagine ourselves with the thing we want and using it in our minds. If you want a new car imagine yourself with that car, enjoy using it in your mind. If it is something you REALLY want you won't be able to stop thinking about it.

The law is that what we Think about becomes FORM in our lives. Some people say be careful what you think about. But I think it goes deeper than that. I think we need to also be careful what we FEEL about. For example, if I THINK I am rich, but I FEEL that I am poor than the signal that is sent out to the Universe is "I am poor" and the Universe will send back that experience that I am poor even if I THINK I am rich.

So, regarding your question above, if you read what I said and than THINK "ok I can achieve this really big thing, it seems impossible, it seems like I will never get it, but the Universe will show me the way (that all sounds pretty positive right?) But if you FEEL, I am just fooling myself and trying to think that I will get this thing, but I feel I won't, then see your feelings will be sent out to the Universe and you won't get what you want because you felt that you wouldn't even though you thought you would.

In the Secret, Michael Beckwith says "this is a feeling Universe." Remember that so when you think something be aware of your feelings too.

In the Science of Getting Rich program they teach us that we need to have three things in congruence or in harmony:

Our Thoughts

Our Feelings

Our Actions

It is also stated this way:

Ask ( we think what we want and ask for it)

Believe (we feel and believe we will receive it)

Receive (we act to receive that which we desire)

All three need to work in harmony with each other. All three things must work toward the thing you desire. You can't THINK I am rich, FEEL I am rich, and then not ACT and sit on your butt and do nothing. You can't THINK I am rich, FEEL that you are poor, and ACT by working 90 hours a week and achieve wealth.

All three things need to be in harmony and working as one. As these three things are in harmony the Universe will bend itself to your will and what it is you are wanting. You will attract the way, as Bob Proctor states, you don't need to know how just know as you proceed in harmony with your thoughts, feelings, and actions you will attract the way to achieve what you want.

Abundance & Love Live Here


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