Web 2.0 Power
Web 2.0 is user generated content, for example MySpace, Yuwie and YouTube. The content is created by you and me that is why Time Magazine nominated the Person of the Year - You. We are changing the face of the internet. If you want to be successful on the net it is vital that you learn and become involved in its power. MySpace and YouTube have created a new wave of marketing. Nothing will ever be the same again - no more calling your relatives or cold calling leads, it's now all about Free Leads and Traffic Chasing YOU! Read on, I am going to teach you everything I know.
Ok, if you are promoting something to sell on MySpace the best thing to do is promote yourself. Brand yourself first. Here are 6 key steps to help you create your MySpace Profile. If you need additional help, feel free to give me a howler or a growl or a scream because you are frustrated by it - no problem I'll help. If you want to see my MySpace Profile, visit: JulieKatherineSpace Follow these 6 key steps to marketing yourself on MySpace:
Intro. Here you can give your phone number and state a web site you have created stating "Hi, my name is so and so, I am the creator of www.name.com. Make this only two to three lines. You want #1- your personal pictures-to be right at the top to grab people's attention. (If you don't have a web site you have created, just tell people your name and give a phone number if you want.)
#1. At the beginning of your MySpace profile add personal pictures us. done with a slide show. This shows people who you are. Go to SLIDE.COM . All you do is upload pics and chose the style of slide show you want. It is easy to do and it gives you the code to add to your "about me" section on your MySpace profile. (It is free.)
#2. Write about yourself - your personal background.
#3. Establish a problem - which includes your personal frustrations, something
that was rough for you.
#4. Give the Solution - What happened to lead you to the solution. (This is where you mention what you are selling - but keep it subtle and simple)
#5. Call to action message. Give your phone number and let people know how you can help them.
#6. Describe who you want to work with (or who you don't want to work with).These are the 6 key points.
For #2 when you write about yourself remember no one on this planet is like you, you have a story no one else can tell. Remember to establish yourself as a leader. You want to establish yourself as a leader because people want to buy from people who will lead them to success. Be the answer and the leader they are looking for. Give Help and don't concern yourself with what you get back. Another helpful thought is when you are choosing your "My Story" think about what you can share about yourself that can inspire others, that can help people relate to and connect with you, don't be afraid to share the crap, heartache and failures. This makes you real. Everyone can relate to crap, heartache and failure. Let people know how you are turning it all around or how you did turn it all around. If you are still in the process of turning it around, don't run from that, embrace that, that makes you uniquely you, embrace where you are right now, here and now, to hell with what you are going to be tomorrow. It doesn't matter, share who you are NOW. You are a human B E I N G .... so BE ! Embrace yourself now.
If you are a single Mom trying to make it alone and raise your kids, tell that story, that is beautiful. If you are a businessman who has lost everything and is starting over, tell your story, that is beautiful. See the power in your story, imagine you coming along and reading someone else's profile that lost everything, made bad business decisions, but is working his way out of it -wouldn't you want to connect with that person? Of course you would because you would relate to him because that is where you are too and you want to know what he is doing to turn things around. You are going to call him, you are going to want to know what he is selling. You are going to want to know what turned things around for him. If you are a single Mom and you are making money on the Internet and that in turn is giving you more time to spend with your kids that is valuable. If someone is trying to raise their kids alone and they see your profile they are going to be able to relate to you, they are going to want to get in contact with you and see how you are able to be at home with your kids. See the power in your story? Here is a perfect opportunity for you to turn the crap, hell, hardships, bad luck, bad times into a golden opportunity to not only help yourself but to help others. Grab this opportunity and get on MySpace. It is free and it will bring you free traffic.
Now you want to customize your MySpace:
Here are some links I think you will find useful:
These sites have layouts you can choose from and also code generators. Your customization code always goes in your "about me" section.
Now add friends:
The reason why you want to add friends is because if you don't then you are dependent on people just by happy accident finding your profile. When you add friends you are in essence driving traffic to your profile - you are driving free exposure to yourself and anything you are marketing. It is a very powerful thing really. When someone becomes your friend you can send them messages. Never spam, that can get you kicked off the network.
Click this banner below to download your FREE Friend Adder software today and add 50 new friends each day.
To learn more about MySpace and how to harness it's power for massive free traffic, I recommend this amazing program: Unlocking MySpace: A Place For Marketing
There is a formula that if you follow will give you massive success on the Internet. Here is an article I wrote. The formula comes from the creators of MLM Goldmine.
MOS=TSLOA + MSM + W20 + FLATCY( P + L) for Online Marketing Success
I have now been doing online marketing for four months. I have seen this formula floating around the internet and everyone who had it wouldn't reveal what it meant. I thought to myself, "Gee, if I knew something that would help people with their online marketing I would tell them. I would tell them the whole story and not just parts or spoon feed people like I have been." I had a mentor and he told me he would teach me, but he left me so much in the dark that I just set out on my own.
After a lot of searching, I finally found the meaning of this formula. I am grateful that you will not have to waste time like I have because from all accounts this is the key to Online Success. If you follow this formula, you will be successful.
I am going to reveal the meaning of this formula for you right now. I would like to be an aha moment for you!
Do you want MLM online Success? Here is what you need to do.
MOS = TSLOA + MSM + W20 + FLTCY (P *L)
The Left Side of the Formula Defined:
MOS is MLM Online Success. If you do all of the things on the right side of the formula, you will achieve MOS or MLM Online Success. In fact, you will have great success!
(MLM is an acronym for multi-level marketing.)
The Right Side of the Formula Defined:
TSLOA stands for The Secret Law of Attraction. You attract everything into your life. Period. It is working 24/7, you are energy so every time you use your energy the Universe brings it right back to you. The Law of Attraction is important for business because you are either attracting people to your business or repelling people. If you don't believe in what you are doing, people will sense this and you will repel them. Having passion, confidence and loving your life now will attract more people to your business.
Shift your focus from advertising to telling your story. MSM stands for My Story Marketing. This is a new way of marketing. My Story Marketing is the new school. It means you tell your story and get people to relate to you and then you tell them about your business. It means you don't tell people about your business first, you tell them last. By telling your story you get people to know, like and trust you, it makes you real, and then they will buy whatever business you are in because people buy people, they don't buy businesses.
Web 2.0 is where you tell your story. Web 2.0 isn't one thing, it's just a coined term for user generated content and social networking sites. Examples of Web 2.0 are free sites and includes MySpace, YouTube, Google Video and other video sites, Squidoo, Flickr, Blogs, etc. Here you can meet like-minded people and attract people who resonate with your story. Videos are an excellent way to attract people.
If you apply The Secret Law of Attraction by My Story Marketing using Web 2.0 you will get Free Leads & Traffic Chasing You (FLATCY).
This web site is a collection of all of the social networking sites out there. Mouse over the different images and click on them to read about each one. As you can see, the possibilities are endless!
thanks so much for posting this. i just heard about it today, and just got the TSLOA part, which kind of pissed me off because it was the sales hook. so i really appreciate you posting the meaning to the rest of the formula.
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